Thursday, March 27, 2008

Global Exchange sends out call to U.S. population to express their desire for PEACE NOW

From: Global Exchange, 3.26.08

"Five years onward, Congress is still not willing to end this war, or prevent the Bush administration from waging the next one - with Iran. Global Exchange and Cities for Peace say that if Congress isn't going to do it, then Congress needs to be held accountable by their constituents.

Join Cities for Peace (, the movement that's sending one loud and unified message to Congress: Stop the Next War NOW!


Pass a Peace Resolution in your community.

Already, over a dozen cities across the nation have brought community based activists and locally elected officials together to pass peace resolutions letting the Bush Administration and Congress know that local communities do not support military engagement with Iran.

Stay informed and engaged with the issues

Sign up for our No More Innocent Victims eNewsletter to receive bimonthly updates including quality analysis, news and campaign updates on Iran, Iraq and relevant peace issues.

What is Cities for Peace

Started by the Institute for Policy Studies, Cities for Peace gives local communities the tools to successfully pass peace resolutions, and create a wide network of progressive activists and elected officials willing to change the national political agenda - one town and city at a time.

As the peace majority, it is our responsibility to ensure the administration's escalating war rhetoric with Iran is met with strong community opposition to stop the next war NOW. Through Cities for Peace we're bringing community based activists and locally elected officials together to pass peace resolutions, letting the Bush Administration and Congress know that local towns and cities do not support military engagement with Iran.

By working together to empower grassroots efforts, we can make our collective voices heard throughout the country - in one loud and unified message of opposition to more war and violence, and in favor of engagement and diplomacy.

Thanks, as always, for your hard work on behalf of peace and justice,

Global Exchange"

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